Sparmasan Kemi taken over by Nordcoll A/S2021-09-23T05:31:24+00:00
The management of Baltic Shipping Company A/S has completed an MBO2021-09-23T05:31:30+00:00
Nordcoll A/S has acquired the activities of Flexfilling ApS2021-09-23T05:31:41+00:00
Nordcoll A/S has acquired Samson Enviro Industries A/S2021-09-23T05:31:44+00:00
Midtjysk Køleservice A/S sold to Trefor Entreprise A/S2021-09-23T05:31:56+00:00
Excel A/S sold to a private investor2021-09-23T05:32:01+00:00
House of Amber ApS sold to Dansk Generationsskifte A/S2021-09-23T05:32:07+00:00
Barker Fans A/S sold to private investors2021-09-23T05:32:18+00:00
Ducas A/S sold to private investors2021-09-23T05:32:24+00:00
Dica A/S sold to the management of the company, later sold to Kompan A/S2021-09-23T05:32:35+00:00
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