Sesam Partners advises on acquisition of companies when acquisitions are on the agenda for Danish and foreign companies that want to strengthen their market position and capabilities through acquisitions.
Many Danish companies could benefit from strengthening their business base by joining forces with other companies in their industry to improve its market position and earnings base. Many small business owners refrain from this because they do not know how to go about it. Eg. it may be sensitive to turn to a competitor, so it may be advantageous to assign this task to an independent third party. Sesam Partners can conduct this whole process, from initial contact through to the transfer or merger of the companies.
Sesam Partners may also, from a set of agreed criteria, conducts continuous monitoring of a specific industry, including by competitors and by appropriate acquisition candidates. This ensures that the acquisitive company, is getting the opportunity presented if a relevant company in the industry comes to sales.
We also assists MBI candidates in identifying a suitable business when they want to get set up for themselves. This process can be long and there must usually be contacted many companies until the right appears.