Nordcoll’s acquisition of Sparmasan Kemi completed its fifth acquisition in 2014.
Sparmasan Kemi is based in Randers and specializes in producing and selling detergents, cleaning and degreasing products with special emphasis on use in industry and in the auto industry. The range also includes a wide range of grooming and cleaning supplies.
Sparmasan Kemi has existed since 1971 and has been sold by the founders as part of a change of generation plan. The company continues to operate from the current premises in Randers, and one of the founders continues after the sale of the company as responsible for the sale.
Nordcoll A/S has been producing adhesives for over 130 years. After disposing of a large glue-factory in the US, the company is now working to expand the Danish activities. This has so far led to the acquisition of Boesens Fabrikker, Samson Enviro Industries, Flexfilling, Gleerustol and now also Sparmasan Kemi. On Nordcolls address in Kvistgård a major expansion of the factory is taking place.
Sesame Partners advises Nordcoll and has introduced Sparmasan Chemistry as an acquisition opportunity.

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