JPE Holding ApS has sold JFE A/S, JL A/S and JPE Materiel Udlejning Aps to Bravida Danmark A/S. JFE A/S is a leading district heating contractor on Zealand, where customers counts a large number of municipalities and district heating companies.
JFE A/S was founded in 1983 and has since 2007 been owned by Johnny Pedersen through his holding company. In 2015 the turnover of JFE and the two affiliated companies amounted to a total of DKK 105 million with an operating profit of just over DKK 9 million. The company has experienced significant growth and currently employs around 100 employees. There are still significant growth opportunities in the market and Johnny Pedersen has assessed that these best can be utilised as part of a larger group.
JFE will be integrated under Bravida, but continues together with all employees as an independent unit under Johnny Pedersen’s leadership.
Bravida is Scandinavia’s largest engineering contractor, and is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Read Bravida Danmark’s press release in Danish here
Sesam Partners advised the seller and carried out a structured sales process with a number of interested buyers.

EBITDA: | 9 |
Employees: | 100 |